All your transports in BX in 1 app
Mobility in BX mode

Your key to all mobility in Brussels
No more switching apps. You get access to all mobility providers. That means travelling around whenever, wherever, however you want to.

Plan, book, ride & pay
in just 1 app
Going from A to B has never been so easy. Cover every step of your journey, from smooth planning to effortless payments.

A joyful & adventurous
travel experience
Say goodbye to traffic and chaos. Enjoy the best mobility experience, based on your preferences and on real-time information.
How it works
A new flow to Brussels
Brussels is changing for the better, and so is your mobility. Fewer individual cars, more air, more space for cycling, walking or living in the city…
Bikes, scooters, car-sharing: more and more mobility service providers are showing up in Brussels to support the transition. And this is a great opportunity to make a difference on your own.
Floya is here to make combining public, private and shared transports the easiest thing and help you go with this new flow.
They like Floya already!
They are already part of the trip
you don’t just combine shared cars with the metro-tram-bus:
you also switch from a bike to a train before taking a scooter